Frequently asked questions

How does StandbySkipper work?

StandbySkipper works with Lightning Lane Multi Pass to find LL times for you and your party based on the time you define while you are in the parks.

StandbySkipper automatically notifies you by push notification when the Skipper has found a LL. Create your search by selecting the experience you desire from our list of LL eligible experiences. You can choose your experience from the list on the app home screen. After selecting your experience, select the LL return time frame you want. You can choose from: 

Next select the people from your list of friends and family that you want a LL time for the experience you have selected. Finally swipe to start searching. That’s it! Now, put your phone in your pocket and let do the swiping and refreshing for you! We will notify you when your LL time is booked.


As much as we'd like to be BFFs forever, Skippers that have not purchased StandbySkipper will be removed from our Friends & Family list if they haven't logged in within 7 days of joining.  If you have purchased, we will remain friends until the end of your trip or you chose to un-friend us.

Is the seven day plan for seven consecutive days?

Yes! The 7 day plan is valid for seven consecutive calendar days, starting from the day you select on the purchase screen.

Does StandbySkipper work with DAS?

StandbySkipper is only able to search for LLs for guests that have purchased Lightning Lane Multi Pass. Any DAS activities need to be performed through the official MDE app.  StandbySkipper considers DAS a protected system, therefore we don't interact with DAS in any way.

Does StandbySkipper work with Main Gate Passes (E.g. Cast Member GUEST Passes)?

No. StandbySkipper is only compatible with "standard" tickets. Before purchasing, be sure to click on our free searches to insure that all guests are showing as you expect.

I just banded in to my LL, when will you start searching again?

We check your family's eligibility once every few minutes.  As soon as everyone is eligible, we'll resume watching for your next searches.  Keep in mind that the app is designed to help you reduce screen time and is not faster than a human (by design). We want everyone (even non-StandbySkipper users) to have a great experience with LLs, and avoid monopolizing LL availability.

Do I have to purchase Lightning Lane Multi pass in order to use StandbySkipper?

Yes! StandbySkipper works with Lightning Lane Multi Pass. StandbySkipper helps you navigate Lightning Lane Multi Pass and does the LL search for you! 

Can you assist with pre-bookings?

Any of your pre-booked LLs choices would need to be done directly in MDE.  StandbySkipper is designed to help you search for your day-of bookings.  Once all of the guests on a StandbySkipper search are eligible we will set the search to 'Active' and begin looking for your selections.

When can I set up my LL searches?

You can put in your searches as early as midnight on the day of your park visit, you must have a valid park ticket, park pass and LLMP on each guest that will be on your StandbySkipper search. We cannot accept any search requests prior to midnight on the day of your park visit.

How many guests can I select per search?

You can select up to 12 guests per search.

What if I have more than 12 guests in my party?

If you have more than 12 guests in your party you will need to split your party up into multiple searches.  Keep in mind that the return times are based on availability and each search may get different LL return times or not at all (for experiences most in demand).

Can I select different members of my family for each search?

Yes! When setting up your searches in StandbySkipper you can select which members of your party are for that search. This works great when you have some people who love thrill rides (sure), and others who prefer boat rides (nice).

Why do I need to join the StandbySkipper Friends & Family?

First, we want to do the right thing.

The MDE Terms specify very clearly that Friends and Family can find experiences for you (source). It’s important to us that we follow the terms of use for your benefit and our own.  By explicitly choosing to join our family you are acknowledging these rules. Less scrupulous people may ask you for your login details so they can login to your account and perform things while impersonating you.  Sharing your account credentials with anyone is never safe and would be in violation of WDW's Terms of Use (Section 1.F).

Second, we need to know the members of your party.

We are not asking you to invite us into your family, we are inviting you to become a member of our family.  When you accept the invitation by clicking the button within MDE you are allowing the StandbySkipper to see the list of members of your family and search for LLs on your behalf.

Can you see my MDE account credit card?

No. When you join someone’s family your MDE Account is not linked, only the Guests within MDE.  This is a very important distinction because your MDE Account is where your payment details, address and other personal details are stored.

Have you ever noticed how when you are making selections in MDE that you show up as “Uncle Bob (Me)” with the “Me” at the end?  This is because your Guest identifier is different from your MDE Account.  Your entitlements (tickets, magic bands, park reservations) are attached to your Guest identifier, not your MDE Account.

When you become a member of the StandbySkipper family your Guest identifier and the Guest identifiers of your family are shared with StandbySkipper, but never your account or any of the details associated with it (payment details, address, etc).

You can verify all of this by asking someone you trust to invite you to their Friends and Family list, then ask that trusted person to tell you what personal details they can see about you and if they are able to charge things on your behalf.

If you choose to pay for a StandbySkipper access plan you must enter in credit card details at that time, and these are never seen by us, they are processed by our payment processor (Stripe).

How can I remove myself from StandbySkipper?

You always have the option to click the red button (under 'My Account') in StandbySkipper so we forget the guest identifiers of your Friends and Family. If you prefer, you can reach out to us directly here to request removal. If you have already purchased, removing yourself from our system does not initiate a refund (please see our Terms of Service) as services are non-refundable.

Do the same LLMP Rules apply when I use StandbySkipper?

Yes! StandbySkipper works with LLMP. StandbySkipper helps you navigate LLMP and does the LL search for you, but you must have access to the LL through LLMP first! 

Does using StandbySkipper guarantee a LL?

No, StandbySkipper cannot guarantee LL availability due to attraction down times, weather conditions, changes in park hours, attendance, and guest interest.

When can I purchase StandbySkipper?

You can purchase your StandbySkipper access plan as early as 30 days in advance or as late as the day of your park visit.  Make sure you have selected the date that you want your access plan to start on the checkout page.

In which countries/regions is your app available for download?

The app is available for download in the United States, United Kingdom, Mexico, Australia and Canada. We do not have plans for expansion at this time. We're unable to provide guidance, work-arounds, support or suggestions regarding alternate download methods.

Can I add more than one search at a time?

Yes! Add as many or as few as you like. Our guests have the most success when searching for multiple experiences at a time. Our guests also like to group experiences that are near one another, so as soon as you band into your ride, the Skipper is searching for another experience next door! This strategy eliminates crisscrossing the parks! Really great for families with little ones!

Can my spouse and I use the app at the same time?

Yes! Your purchase is linked to you (the person), so both of you can use the app together by going through the "Friend" process and using the same MDE account. After doing this, both devices will receive the same push notifications.

Can I use StandbySkipper With Park Hopping?

Yes! Our users can be riding rides at MK in the morning while StandbySkipper is searching for LL at HS in the afternoon! Park Hopping with StandbySkipper is a breeze! 

Can I still book LLs through MDE?

Yes! Many of our users use the MDE App with the StandbySkipper app. If you book a LL time through the MDE App and you had previously requested StandbySkipper to search for that LL, the Skipper will recognize you have booked the LL and stop searching.

Can I cancel my StandbySkipper search if I find a LL time I like in MDE?

Yes! You can cancel any active search in StandbySkipper at any time!

Can I change the return time StandbySkipper found for me?

Yes! You may be able to find a "better" time in MDE and change the return time in MDE.  As for StandbySkipper, no, we don't (and can't) modify booked LLs.

What if StandbySkipper books a LL and I miss my return window?

WDW's rule is that if you miss your return window you will not be able to book that same LL again that day. WDW generally allows a one hour return window -- check MDE for the most accurate details. For Example: StandbySkipper books a LL for you at 4pm. You can band into that experience starting at 4pm and until the window ends.

Can StandbySkipper book Single Passes and Virtual Queues?

No, StandbySkipper can not book Lightning Lane Single Pass or Virtual Queues, users should book these experiences through the MDE App.

How do I make sure I get notified when StandbySkipper books a LL?

When you install StandbySkipper app make sure to choose “Allow notifications”. Also, make sure that in the settings on your phone you have toggled “Allow Notifications”. You can also use the 'Test Notification' feature within the app.

I didn’t use StandbySkipper app during my trip. Can I get a refund?

No, unfortunately StandbySkipper is non refundable. Please see our Terms of Service

You only offer a 7 day plan, but my trip is longer, what should I do?

We only allow one active plan at a time.  After your current plan expires, the app will prompt you to upgrade and you can decide then if you'd like to purchase again.

What parks does StandbySkipper support?

Our app only supports LLMP within WDW in Florida.

Does a person search for the return times or is it done by a bot?

The answer is neither! We subscribe to a feed that publishes this data online. An internal ETL process through the StandbySkipper API handles data from the feed.  This data is publicly available on the internet from sources like ThemeParksWiki, ThrillData and WDWStats.  You can read more about these services by visiting their websites.

Are you affiliated with WDW?

No. We are not affiliated with or endorsed by WDW or any of it's affiliates.  Any use of graphics or language is for identification purposes only and does not imply nor intend to imply any endorsement, affiliation or business relationship.

What do I do if I still have more questions?

We love to hear from our users! Contact us here at anytime, we will be happy to help!